发布日期:2025-01-04 15:20 点击次数:115
雅思阅读的判断题让很多同学们觉得头疼,因为判断题的逻辑复杂多样,又要拿题干的逻辑和原文进行比较,很容易让同学们犯迷糊,判断不出对错,还可能分不清False/No和Not Given... 想要真正克服对判断题的纠结,首先同学们要了解题目要求中给大家的关键信息: 1. 要确定答案是“True/Yes”的关键是“agree with”,即原文要提到题干的信息,且与题干相符合; 2. 要判断出“False/No”的关键是“contradict”,即原文要提到题干的信息,且与题干完全矛盾; 3. 如果原文中没有提到题干的信息,且没有题干中的逻辑关系,就判断为“Not Given”。 在知道了这些原则之后,同学们可以根据以下四种方法做出判断: Part1 看比较关系 雅思阅读判断题中会有存在比较关系的题目,通常题目句子中会有类似这种关键词:... more/better/less/larger ... than ...这种情况下,我们在做出判断时要在原文的句中找比较主体和比较关系。 如果有相同的主体和比较关系判为“True”或者“Yes”,有相反的关系则是“False”或者“No”。如果缺失了比较主体,或者不存在比较关系,则判断为“Not Given”。 举个例子: 题目: The trees planted by the Dutch produced larger quantities of cinnamon than the wild trees. 原文: Over time, the supply of cinnamon trees on the island became nearly exhausted, due to systematic stripping of the bark. Eventually, the Dutch began cultivating their own cinnamon trees to supplement the diminishing number of wild trees available for use. 在这道题中,题干和原文可以对应到主体“trees planted by Dutch”和“wild trees”,但是,原文中并不存在谁产的cinnamon比谁多的比较关系,所以这道题的答案是“Not Given”。 Part2 AAAAAAA看绝对词 还有一种判断方式是看题干中有没有绝对词。这类绝对词可能会是: only/all/always/any/totally/entirely/every/must/guarantee/never/little/few... 对于这类题目,同学们要看原文中有没有存在一样的绝对关系,即有没有这些限定性词语“Only”、“All”或者否定意思“Never”的绝对性表达。 举个例子: 题目: There is precise data available regarding all of the whistle languages in existence today. 原文: Whistled languages survive today in Papua New Guinea, Mexico, Vietnam, Guyana, China, Nepal, Senegal, and a few mountainous pockets in southern Europe. There are thought to be as many as 70 whistled languages still in use, though only 12 have been described and studied scientifically. 在这道题中,我们可以看到题干里有“all”这个绝对性词语,意思是“所有口哨语言都有具体的数据”,但原文中提到的是“only”,说的是“只有12种被科学地研究”。所以,题目与原文是相矛盾的,这道题判断为“False”。 Part3 看否定词 题目中还可能会出现否定词,例如few/little/hardly/too...to/rather than/not/without,以及可能有否定前后缀的词语。同学们要看原文中否定关系是否成立。 举个例子: 题目: The boundaries of Leyden have changed little since the seventeenth century. 原文: In a town like Leyden in Holland, which in the seventeenth century was occupied by approximately the same number of inhabitants as today, people lived within the walled town, an area more than five times smaller than modern Leyden. 在这道题目中,题干说的是“changed little”,而题目讲到“more than five times smaller”,这两者说法是相矛盾的,所以,这道题应该判断为“False”。 Part4 看句子结构 要作出正确的判断,除了看上面这些词汇,还可以根据句子结构来判断。 意思是,同学们可以通过题干的【主语+谓语+宾语/系动词+表语】的结构,判断原文中的主语“是不是”或者“干没干”。 如果原文符合,则判断为“True/Yes”,如果矛盾则为“False/No”,如果原文没有提到题干的这件事则为“Not Given”。 举个例子: 题目: Alexander McKee knewthat the wreck would contain many valuable historical objects. 原文: McKee and his team now knewfor certain that they had found the wreck, but were as yet unaware that it also housed a treasure trove of beautifully preserved artefacts. 在这道题目中,题干的句子结构是:Alexander McKee(主语)+ knew(谓语)+ the wreck would contain many valuable historical objects(宾语从句),指的是:(主语)知道这艘沉船里有许多珍贵的历史文物。 而原文讲的是:(主语)知道(knew)他们已经找到了残骸,但还不知道(unware)里面还有保存完好的文物宝藏。所以这里题干和原文是相矛盾的,这道题的答案是“False”。 同学们在做雅思阅读判断题的时候,不仅要掌握这些判断方法,还一定要结合题目来练习,让自己更熟练地应用这些方法,才能在考场上做到思路清晰,一气呵成。